Where Faith Flourishes, Hope Abides

Isaac Shelton, Jr.
Isaac Shelton, Jr.Ohio District Bishop
Bishop Isaac Shelton, Jr., was elected as the Ohio District Bishop in September 2023 after the passing of Bishop Pat Wilson in April 2023. He has served as the District Secretary-Treasurer since 2013 and continues to hold both positions in this period of transition to district structure, bylaws, job descriptions and qualifications.
Joe Turner
Joe TurnerOhio District Presbyter
Rev. Joe Turner was elected as the Ohio District Presbyter in September 2021. He and his wife, Alisha have pastored the Lighthouse PCG in Carey since 2013. Rev. Turner has also served the Ohio District in the Home Missions Committee. The Turner’s faithfully serve with their three children, Allison, Emma and AJ.
Jerry Meyer
Jerry MeyerOhio District Secretary
Rev. Gerald Meyer was elected as the Ohio District Secretary in September 2023. He also served the Ohio District as Home Missions Director from 2021-2023, helping existing churches with a vision to plant new works. Rev. Meyer and his wife, Kim, pastor at Breakthrough Harvest PCG in Gilboa/Ottawa.
Rodney Reynolds
Rodney ReynoldsOhio District Home Missions Director
Rev. Rodney Reynolds was elected as the Ohio District Home Missions Director in September of 2023. He has also served the Ohio District as the Central/Northwest Presbyter. Rev. Reynolds and his wife, Angie, pastor at Solid Rock PCG in Sidney.
Andrew Dent
Andrew DentOhio District Youth Director
Rev. Andrew Dent was appointed as the Ohio District Youth Director in September 2020. He has served as a youth pastor and part of the worship team at Trinity Full Gospel in Zanesville. Rev. Dent serves in youth ministry with his wife, Autumn, and two children, Rowan and Dawson.
Alisha Turner
Alisha TurnerOhio District Women’s Ministries Director
Sis. Alisha Turner was appointed as the new Women’s Ministry Director in December 2023. She and her husband, Joe, have pastored Lighthouse PCG in Carey since 2013. Sis. Turner leads women in her local church as a mentor and in other churches in her leadership and speaking. The Turner’s serve in ministry with their three children, Allison, Emma and AJ.

Ohio District – Sectional Presbyters

  • Central: Donald Holbrook

  • Lake Erie: Ray Hylton

  • Northeast: Jim Comstock

  • Northern: L.D. Roessler

  • Northwest: Rodney Reynolds, Jeff Miller

  • Southeast: Donald Rowland

  • Southwest: James Maggard

Discipleship Ministries

Director: Jeremy Gipson

District Kingsmen Ministries

Director: Norman Wheeler, Jr.

District Women’s/Youth Ministries:

Secretary: Theresa Rhinehart


(419) 456-3495


P.O. Box 29,
Ottawa, OH 45875