Constitution And Bylaws Of The PCG, Ohio District


Whereas, It is the express purpose of God, our Heavenly Father, to call out of the world a people who shall constitute the Body, the Church of Jesus Christ, built and established upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone; and Whereas, The members of the Body, the Church, are enjoined to assemble themselves together for worship, fellowship and instruction in the Word of God, the work of the ministry, and for the exercise of those spiritual gifts and offices provided for in the New Testament; and Whereas, According to God’s Word, the early Christians came together in such fellowship as a representative Body of Blood-washed and Spirit-filled believers who cooperated with, and sent out evangelists and missionaries and, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, set over the churches, pastors, teachers, deacons and helpers;


Therefore, be it Resolved, That we recognize ourselves as a cooperative Fellowship of Christians, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, till we all come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ(Ephesians 4:3-13).



The name of this corporation shall be Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District.

Our slogan shall be: “Proclaiming Bible Truth in Pentecostal Power”.

The emblem shall be the open Bible, and inscribed, “Proclaiming Bible Truth in Pentecostal Power”, with the borders containing the official church name, along with “Messenger Publications”. The inner space shall be filled with the interlocking letters, “PCG” and “EST 1919”.



  1. The objects and purpose of this corporation shall be:

  2. To preach the Gospel and further the cause of the Kingdom of God in the United States of America and foreign lands.

  3. To promote freedom of worship and liberty of expression within the limits of its own statement of faith and doctrines among its own churches, ministers, and members.

  4. To ordain, license and otherwise qualify ministers to preach the Gospel and provide credentials for the same.

  5. To rent, to buy, acquire by gifts, as well as to own, operate and use, lease, sub-rent or otherwise convey or dispose of either, real, personal, or mixed property as shall be necessary for the operation of carrying on of its business.

  6. Further, to have the right and authority to sign mortgages or deeds of trust to secure payment of the purchase price, or borrow money for the purpose of building or establishing and maintaining buildings for the corporation’s use and to do this either directly or through trustees.



The Ohio District is a part of, and in fellowship with Pentecostal Church of God (Incorporated), an incorporated body with headquarters at Bedford, Texas, and shall be entitled to representation at the General Conventions.



  1. The District Board of the Ohio District shall name the place and time of the annual District Convention.

  2. Convention shall start on a given date and end when business is finished.

  3. In those years when there is no election for District Bishop or District Secretary/Treasurer seminars will be conducted for pastors, evangelists and other ministries and departments.


(A) Any minister failing to tithe and/or report to the District Office for an accumulated period of three months in the convention year, shall be advised to appear before the District Board. Any minister failing to comply will be dropped from fellowship.

(B) All credential holders with the Ohio District are encouraged to attend all District and Sectional seminars.

(C) Any minister who is pastoring a church and wishes to pastor a second church must receive District Board Approval.


  1. Our churches are privileged to use the ministers of other churches of like faith as evangelists only. Any pastor or evangelist is privileged to labor in other churches where he deems it wise to do so for the up building of the cause of his or her district, providing he or she does not lend his or her efforts to a neighboring antagonistic assembly or church, thereby injuring the Pentecostal Church of God congregation in the community.

  2. Our ministers shall cultivate mutual fellowship and work in harmony. They shall not lend themselves to any disgruntled element in any local church for the purpose of deposing the present pastor or causing dissension or strife. Those doing such are subject to discipline.

  3. Ministers and workers are advised not to interfere with others who may have charge of a church or mission, whether it be contacting the members without the consent of the one in charge, or by corresponding with the members of the church, so as to affect the influence of the leaders. All inquiries or correspondence that concerns the church, such as visiting the field, conducting meetings, etc., should be addressed to the pastor; or where there is no pastor, the correspondence should be addressed to the church secretary and/or trustees.

  4. Any minister going from one district to another shall, upon arrival, notify the officials of the district into which he/she enters.

  5. When a minister moves from one district to another, he/she shall be required to present to the district entered a clearance of good standing and conduct from his/her former district office. Any minister who has withdrawn or been dropped from fellowship shall be required to give a letter stating his/her standing while in the movement.

  6. When a minister is transferred from one district to another, a copy of the said transfer should be mailed or given to the minister being transferred. No district may refuse to transfer a minister who is in good standing without just cause. Good standing shall mean that the one being transferred has not violated any general or district bylaws, has no pending charges and has paid all fees and met their obligations. Just cause is to be determined by the District Executive Committee. In the holding up of a transfer, proper notice is to be given to the minister who is seeking to be transferred.

  7. Whereas, the Bible teaches that we should not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, and whereas a Christian’s effectiveness in witnessing would be drastically impaired, if not entirely destroyed, by maintaining membership in a lodge, secret order or secret society, no minister, on any level of the Pentecostal Church of God, shall be permitted to carry credentials with this organization and belong at the same time to a lodge, secret order or society.

  8. The Pentecostal Church of God is opposed to homosexuality and all forms of sex perversion, sorcery and witchcraft, and appropriate questions concerning these areas shall be included on the applications for ministerial credentials.


The Minister’s Study Series shall consist of the Exhorter’s Study Series, License Study Series, and Ordination Study Series and shall be the official study course for ministers of the Pentecostal Church of God. It shall be a mandatory program for credentials for all new ministers and those advancing from exhorters to license and from license to ordination. The Minister’s Study Series shall remain in conformity to the standard set by the General Board.

  1. Exhorter

    The exhorter credential shall be considered a first step toward ordination. Upon acceptance as an exhorter, by meeting certain minimum qualifications on the present application, he/she shall hold this first step credential for a minimum of one (1) year.

    The minister and spouse, if saved, may be seated as delegates to the General Convention if current with their credentials and properly registered. The decision as to whether exhorters should be seated in district conventions shall be left to the discretion of each district.

    During this one-year period he/she should be encouraged to complete the License Series and complete the reading of the whole Bible.

  2. License

    The License Credential is considered a second step toward the goal of becoming an ordained minister.

    Upon acceptance as a licensed minister, by having completed the License Study Series, having read the whole Bible and given evidence of definite plans to be active in the ministry — the licensed minister shall carry license for a minimum of two (2) years, during which time he/she must have become active in the ministry, and have completed the Ordination Study Series at the time of applying for ordination.

    The minister and spouse, if saved, have the privilege of being seated as delegates in the district and General Conventions, if his/her credentials are current and he/she is properly registered. He/she may meet his/her respective district board at the end of two (2) years for advancement to ordination.

  3. Ordination

    Being now ready for the final step toward the goal to be an ordained minister, the minister shall meet his/her district board with an application. It will be necessary to have a certificate of completion of the Ordination Study Series and be in the active ministry at the time of applying for ordination and to give clear evidence of his/her intention to remain in the active ministry to qualify.

    The ordained minister shall enjoy the privileges of spiritual ministry as the Lord leads and be a delegate along with the spouse, if saved, if his/her credentials are current and he/she is properly registered.

    No person shall pass through the ordination ceremony without an approval of application for ordination by the General Office.


  1. Each district shall, through its proper officials, ordain and license suitable candidates for the ministry, subject to the conditions set forth in the General Bylaws and the respective district.

  2. It is recommended that each candidate first prove his/her ministry, and that a period of license precede the ordination.

  3. A minister applying for credentials is required to make application through the district in which he/she is a resident, unless approval is granted from the resident district for application to be made through another district.

  4. Each candidate for ministerial ordination with the Pentecostal Church of God is required to give to his respective district board clear and satisfactory evidence of adequate understanding of, agreement with and ability to teach with ample scriptural references, all items included in the doctrinal statement of the Pentecostal Church of God, as printed in our General Bylaws.

  5. The personal qualifications for exhorters and licensed ministers shall be identical with those for ordination, which shall be enforced by each district board.

  6. Applicants for credentials or promotions may be denied, even though all the required criteria is met, if it is deemed that the acceptance of the applicant for other reasons would be detrimental to the well-being of the church as a whole. Each respective district board also has the privilege of dropping a minister’s credential at its discretion.

  7. In recognition of the fact that ordination is the highest goal to which a minister may attain and, therefore, is reserved for those who have spent sufficient time in the active ministry so as to prove his/her qualifications for this high office, no person shall be ordained to the ministry who is not actively serving in a weekly ministry at the time application is made for ordination and/or who does not give clear evidence of his or her intention to remain in the active ministry.

  8. Any licensed minister desiring ordination in any district other than the one from which he/she has been licensed, shall present a recommendation from the bishop and secretary/treasurer of the district issuing the license.

  9. No minister of the Pentecostal Church of God, Ohio District will be allowed to hold credentials with another denomination, which has a Bishop, churches, presbyters, etc.

  10. No credential shall be approved for any candidate, nor any minister renewed, who attended either of our Bible colleges, and still owes accounts to the colleges, until the bill is paid in full or a letter presented from the respective college indicating that proper arrangements have been made for payment; and each District Office shall be notified by the respective college not later than December first of each calendar year of the delinquency in payments by the respective student.

  11. When an applicant for credentials comes from another organization, a letter of reference will be requested from the former organization.

  12. A dated notification from a minister is required to establish his/her date of withdrawal. When this dated notification is not available, such withdrawal/drop date as furnished by the District shall be used by the General Office.

  13. The District Bishop, or Sectional Presbyter may act as pastor for a minister applying for credentials but not transferring from another organization.

  14. Before any promotion proceedings are begun, the pastor of that applicant must be consulted by the District Office.

  15. Where geographically possible, all ministers of the Pentecostal Church of God should attend a local Pentecostal Church of God.

  16. All persons receiving credentials from this District shall first sign a statement that they will at no time speak discreditable or injuriously against the District or the Organization.

  17. Any minister failing to fulfill the statements signed by them upon application for ministerial credentials shall have their credentials revoked.

  18. Any application for credentials must be signed by the applicant, local pastor and respective Sectional Presbyter. In the event that the applicant is pastoring a church, said application must be signed by the applicant, Sectional Presbyter, and one other minister in good standing with the District.

  19. No Exhorter minister will be promoted to a licensed status until they have held Exhorter credentials for at least one full year, and they have been in full-time evangelism or pastoring a church.

  20. Exhorter ministers that have been elected or officially appointed as assistant pastors may be promoted to a licensed status by the District Board following the proper procedure.

  21. Credential applications will be entertained at the regular quarterly District Board sessions. However, if the Executive Committee deems the application needs to be processed sooner, it can be done so by polling the District Board.

  22. Companions of all married applicants for credentials with the Ohio District are required to meet the District Board along with the applicant. Exceptions will be made when absence is due to sickness, secular job requirements, or emergencies.

  23. Before an Exhorter can be promoted or a Licensed minister can be ordained; he or she must have cooperated with the District program in attending fellowship meetings, rallies, seminars, conventions, and in paying tithe/dues to the District.

  24. All assistant pastors shall hold credentials with the Pentecostal Church of God.


  1. When a minister moves from one district to another, he shall be required to present to the district entered a clearance of good standing and conduct from his former District Office.

  2. Any minister who has withdrawn or been dropped from fellowship shall be required to give a letter stating their standing while in the movement.


  1. We faithfully pledge our loyalty to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

  2. We affirm complete confidence in the infallible Word of God.

  3. We affirm our commitment to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15, 16) and we declare our willingness to go anywhere, do anything and sacrifice everything God requires of us in the fulfillment of that commission.

  4. We accept God’s call to preach and teach the Word to all people as God gives opportunity, and we do this because of God’s love for every human being who, apart from faith in Christ, is judgment bound and destined for hell.

  5. We endorse the Gospel message of salvation by grace alone through faith in the risen Lord Jesus Christ and His atoning death on the cross for our sins.

  6. The proclamation of the Gospel must include a thoughtful call of every person to repent, to commit to Jesus Christ and to follow Him as Lord and Savior, and to do all these lovingly and without coercion or manipulation.

  7. We will stay prayerfully filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit for a deeply spiritual Christ-centered ministry.

  8. We will lead lives of holiness and moral purity, appropriately representing Christian ministry to the Church and the world.

  9. We will practice a life of regular Bible study and pray for personal spiritual growth and anointed ministry.

  10. We will be faithful stewards of all personal and church finances and we will be accountable to all concerned in the finance of our ministry and will be honest in reporting our statistics. We will keep personal and church financial activities separate and inviolate. Following these standards, we will faithfully promote our ministry in the community, “providing things honest in the sight of all men.”

  11. Our family is a sacred trust and our responsibility to each family member is to be kept as faithfully as our call to minister to others.

  12. We are responsible to the local church and we will conduct our ministry to build up the local body of believers in the larger interest of the Church universal. We will be subject to those whom God has placed in authority over us.

  13. We are responsible to the local church, and we will conduct our ministry to build up the local body of believers in the larger interest of the Church universal. We are responsible to faithully discipline all who come to faith under our ministry, to encourage every person to identify with the local church, to work faithfully at evangelism, Christian education and Christian discipleship, and endeavor to train every believer in personal witnessing.

  14. We will share the cross of Christ by relieving both the social and spiritual sufferings of humanity, whether rich or poor, healthy or infirmed; we will do our utmost to alleviate human need, following Christ as our example.

  15. We will give ourselves to prayer, evangelism, to revival, to Bible-based counseling, to Christian education, to peace making and to our particular office, ministry and calling until Christ returns for His own. We do solemnly affirm these Biblical principles for Christian ministry.

  16. We will be subject to those who God has placed in authority over us.

  17. We believe that homosexuality is incompatible with Christian ministry and practicing homosexuals may not be credentialed within the Pentecostal Church of God.

  18. We only recognize the Biblical definition of the marriage union as follows: A marital union is only a monogamous marriage between a natural born man and a natural born woman. Based on the principle of covenant initiated by God, marriage is the relationship through which sexuality can fulfill its potential to bless human lives. The covenant of marriage stresses fidelity to one’s spouse. It promotes love, respect, trust, companionship, intimacy, spirituality and peace (Ephesians 5:21-33).


(419) 456-3495


P.O. Box 29,
Ottawa, OH 45875